July 13, 2023
Characteristics and Utilization of Milk Thistle Seed
How to extract oil and silymarin from milk thistle seeds? Milk thistle, native to the Kashmir mountains of India and Pakistan, is planted in the Northeast, East China, South China, Jiangnan and other regions of the country where it is grown. It is also planted in some countries in North America, Europe, and Asia. Milk thistle is cool in nature and bitter in taste. Clearing heat and detoxifying, soothing the liver and benefiting the gallbladder, mainly used for liver and gallbladder damp-heat, hypochondriac pain, jaundice. Now silymarin can be seen in the ingredient list of liver protection products.
Milk thistle seeds, also known as milk thistle, are dark brown and black oval fruits. They are used for medicine. They have the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, protecting the liver and gallbladder, protecting the brain, and carrying X-rays. They are produced in Northeast China. Milk thistle seeds contain 28% oil, 2.35% total nitrogen, 24.8% cellulose, 7.7% volatile oil, 4.2% ash, 3% alcohol-soluble silymarin (medicine powder), polysaccharide viscose, flavonoids, etc. The oil contains 33.6% oleic acid and 45.4% linoleic acid. After oil making and extracting, it contains 23% protein and 36.4% starch. Cold-pressed alcohol can be used for low-temperature leaching, and oil and essence can be extracted at the same time.
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